Anchor in 110 ft of water. Another beautiful day, the boat is rocking and rolling some more nothing like yesterday but yes, we have some rolling. We are in Cabo Pearce, skies with lots of whites, outside the bay this morning we had 14kts of NW winds, waves were up to 4ft NW but now weather is getting a lot better.
The two morning dives were amazing, up to 8 manta rays, dolphins, some say there were at least a dozen of silver tip shark coming from the deep and zipping around divers, couple of rays, octopus, tiger shark……guests love the interaction with the dolphins and they want more I had already a handful of guests asking me to stay here for a second day.
Visibility is 100 plus feet, strong current to the east, water temperature is 80F, air today is 84F.
Today we took Katerina for a snorkel tour, she is not diving this week, she splashed in the water saw a manta right away and came back, it took less than three minutes for her to get a happy Socorro treat.
This afternoon we are going to try to sell some kayak tours and skiff tour too.