Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2025-02-11

NEX at anchor at Roca Partida, 250 ft depth 4 shots out. Weather: 8-11 kts N wind, 2-4 ft seas. Partly cloudy. Air temp 22C.

Yesterday afternoon at Boiler dives were very well, visibility was nice, everybody enjoyed the dives too much, they are happy. Today, sharing the site with Valentina and Solmar V.

We arrived this morning to Roca Partida from Boiler. We started our 2 dives with a current from northwest, water temp 23C and visibility 15-20mts. This morning during the dive briefing there were 3 whales saying hello very early and a baby jumping, but just only one guest could see the whale during the dive, there is a lot of marine life today.

Both dives were amazing, around 5 -7 mantas, lot of reef whitetips sharks, silvertips, a few Galapagos sharks and school of jacks. Let’s do one more dive this afternoon. We will departure tonight to Punta Tosca.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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