Built For Safety
Safety is a very serious business. Mother Ocean can be capricious and unforgiving. We hold ourselves to the highest standards and you should expect and demand no less. We operate stabilized ocean going steel ships – not yachts or converted crew boats – built in Canadian and USA shipyards to commercial standards with ABS scantlings. Our Captains, mates and engineers have professional commercial mariner qualifications and all of our crew have STCW emergency duty training, security awareness, first aid and marine medicals. Our ships have the same safety certificates as the largest ocean going cruise ships including PSSC, ISM, GMDSS and ISPS certificates under external audit by a classification society. These certificates can be viewed below. Don’t settle for “OK” or “don’t worry” or a boat built on the beach in the Sea of Cortes when you sign up for a trip voyaging hundreds of miles out into open ocean. It is not worth it.
Construction & Refit
Check out photos from our last refit to see below the waterline!