Breaching humpback whales, sea otters and stellar sealions.
I loved the sea otter, the sea otter was sooo gorgeous.. he was scratching here there and everywhere, front legs, back legs, face and nose!!! – Dobby
Humpback whales breaching, tail lobbing and generally hanging out for ages, a grizzly bear, sea otters, bald eagles, sea lions and a Fab dive site all in one day. Life does not get much better !! YES – jackie
All the breaching humpbacks are starting to get in the way of all the diving !!! Isn’t life a bummer (British humour) – Simon
La technique du “bubble-net feeding” (elles entourent leurs proies avec des bulles et foncent dans le centre de bas en haut) des baleines a bosse est absolument fantastique a voir. Un regal pour nos yeux et des souvenirs plein la tete. Plonger avec les phoques est aussi excitant et inoubliable – Olivia et Nathalie
It was great to revisit Bad Girl’s Wall a site that Bonnie and I got to name two years ago !! – Carol
How to spot a sea lion: Look behind you! They’re all there !!!!! – Russ
We were just drifting along at Pt. Adolphus watching the whales in the distance and Captain Mike had turned off the engines when a group of humpback whales swam right over to the front of the boat. They were really really close. And then one of them started slapping his tail right beside us. He must have done it for 30 minutes. Captain Mike finally started the engines and we continued on our way. M