Four magnificent Great Whites circled me in a cage earlier today. My mind is blown. . .
– Tom Nichols
From the very first dive… white death! However, there is no feeding of the sharks resulting in no aggression. These are the most amazing top predators I have ever witnessed. As many as four of these massive fish swam around the cages at a time. We had the choice of photographing Great Whites from surface cages, a cage at 15 ft deep and a submerged cage at 45 ft … fantastic!
– Bob Malvin (Sterling, Alaska)
The crossing to Isla Guadalupe was quite rough, and I thought to myself that if we saw white sharks that were as large as the swells that we experienced on our journey out then I would not be disappointed. Well, on the first dive day, on the first dive of the day, during the first five minutes of the dive, I witnessed something that made me completely forget about the difficult crossing. Three great white sharks came to say good morning during my first dive of the day…first dive of the trip…and boy was it a good morning. The rest of my dives this day proved to be just as exciting, culminating in my fourth dive of the day when we had four extremely large great whites taking an active interest in the divers with whom I shared my cage. Not only did they closely circle our cage numerous times, but these great whites looked each of us in the eye. Going eye to eye with these apex predators made me realize who was really in charge of the waters surrounding Isla Guadalupe. I can only hope that tomorrow brings more of the same!
– Dianna L. Bentley (Rome, Italy)
My greatest fear of taking this trip was that I wouldn’t see any sharks. Within 5 minutes of being in the water my fear was put to rest as the first shark came into view. Within 15 minutes the trip went beyond expectations as we had 3 sharks circling the cage. Good dives continued throughout the day with multiple sharks being seen on each dive. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.
– Matt Henning