Diving day at Roca Partida ˆ first dive in the morning everybody was excited and wanted to be the first in the water. The stories the crew told us about this place were pretty amazing so expectations were high. As we finally jumped in the impression was overwhelming. Sharks wherever you looked. About 50/60 sharks in every direction swimming in groups or alone. They came very close without any fear ˆ just curious. Large schools of smaller fish almost formed walls in the water. So it was exactly what I expected after the descriptions last evening. We hope to see more∑
Words cannot capture the remoteness of this island, if indeed you can call it an island. Roca Partida is a small rock formation rising from the vastness of the liquid blue of the ocean. As the sun rose glinting across the waves and we kitted up for the first dive the sense of anticipation was palpable there was an electricity in the air and the ride to the drop site was eerily calm as a stillness descended upon the divers. As we slipped silently below the surface of the waves we were not to be disappointed. Vast schools of jacks, peppered with bumphead parrot fish and barracuda moved as one sleek formation, then without warning the shoal parted and out of the gloom large grey shadows appeared, first one then two, three, four sharks meandered silently towards us. Silkies and white tips approached from the blue passing in all directions. We hung in the water watching the wildlife unfurl in front of our eyes. Then in the distance a faint outline as a fleet of scalloped head hammerheads came alongside us for a flypast, their bodies swaying in the current. The day was over too quickly as we returned to the boat sleepily content with the promise of more to come tomorrow. Tony Saretzki
C’est une barquette de “Frionor” mais sous l’eau et daite de requins !
Los mejores buceos de este viaje han sido en Roca Partida, y la expectativa de ver y sentir los tiburones fu’e mayor de lo que yo esperaba.
Fernando Perez Holder
Small tiny place in the middle of nowhere, but with a lot of surprises !!
Oliver R
Sempre une privilegio poder adentrar esse outro mundo e ser recibida como convidada por essas especies maravilhosas chamadas tiburones Ana Drago