Fuimos privilegiados de poder participar de la belleza del tiburon blanco. Hoy valoramos mas a esta especie y desde ella a la nuestra. Ignacio. Translation: We were privileged to be able to participate in the beauty of the white shark. Today we value more this species and from this our own.

Bernard Campoli4
Excellent dive day to the trip…we had some exceptional action on the surface today, including what I might call a semi-breach…the shark came up a bit out of the water like a dolfin might do to breathe…envision crystal clear blue water, flat calm, beaming sunlight, and the vision of the sharks swimming around on the surface, three meters from the platform, sometimes iconically with the dorsal fin protruding from the water.   And not one pass or two, literally dozens of passes. Ignacio said it right when he used the word “privileged”…is indeed what we are, to take part in this appreciation of nature with such a rare creature.  Rare indeed.  I wanna thank ignacio for his participation and exceptional perspective…and speaking of rare creatures, I wanna give a shout out to my girl, the rarest of all creatures…mama, you’re a one and only….I love you more than a fat kid loves cake!!!     Tigre

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