Rather than letting this weather get us down the crew and guests of this trip left the harbour for a shore cruise that led us to miles of beach with not a single soul on it.

beach day with nex beach day bryden nex castle
After deploying our zodiacs we went and checked it all out, jumping into the 6 foot waves that were crashing into shore turned a few of the guests into kids. After a couple hours of soaking up the sun it was time to head back to dry off and have a couple drinks. While guests did that it was time for us Divemasters to get back in the water, but not for an everyday reason. It was time to buff the props until they are squeaky clean and brilliantly shiny and  clean off any growth on the hull they had collected from the ocean. We even had deckhand Danny join us in the routine matience that I know myself and the others would much rather  do in Ensenada rather than the great White shark  infested waters of Guadalupe. Clean props = more speed to get to our little gem, Isla Guadalupe!   Captain Mike wants us to make every possible speed advantage enroute once the tropical storm has passed through.  Props cleaned, sun setting, time for cocktail hour. -DM Jesse
big blow kissing snake lunch ashore
We arrived Saturday afternoon being tiered after a long journey from Germany. We went to bed early and have been surprised that the Boot did not leave the harbour.
Our captain explained the harbour captain have closed the harbour out of Simone have increased to a Hurricane category 4 in front of Baja moving north in the direction of Guadeloupe. We where running an alternative program all Sunday with excellent service and food on Board of the Nautilus Explorer. We where waiting for the Harbour captain to release our permit to leave.
Sunday morning hope where just gone after our captain explained that Simon is loosing power but still moving north. He explained we will not get our permit before Simon change direction into east or calm down. Next weather update for Sunday 2PM. We went out of the harbour to see a beach. Knowing best would be having our trip reduced from 3 days cage diving to 1,5 or worst down to 1. All guest are supporting the idea one day will be better than no day.
Unfortunately Simon decided to continue travel north. We will not leave before Tuesday Morning and we are down to 1 day cage diving.
The crew is very supportive. It’s a shame after our long journey but it’s reality and safety always has to be at the first front.
Let’s hope we will get an exiting day.
I personal have made a lot of liveaboard experience in my life. Down to owning my own boats in the midd 90th in the red sea. The Nautilus Explorer is an outstanding boot and I’m looking forward to see her sailing.
Thomas Dederichs with Kim and Shari Dederichs

By Nautilus Staff

Updates, exciting information and other news from the staff at Nautilus Liveaboards.

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