Splendido as they say in Mexico! Food was abundant and great – but we’re getting used to that now. Chese & wine extravaganza followed by turkey etc.
The final day of diving at Roca Partida was excellent. The day started with pleasant seas and sightings of hammerhead sharks and dolphins. Later in the day some of the guests observed a group of mobular rays as well. After a delicious dinner we had an excellent dinner served by our amazing chef and spent time reminiscing on the trip.- Deckhand Adam
Roca Partida- quite the dive site. Big silvertip sharks, Galapagos,and Silky sharks seen. Schooling Hammerheads in the deep. Lots of whitetips on the ledges and free swimming. Dolphins cruising by. Schools of Jacks all over plus a school of yellow fin tuna.