Well, we may be getting used to the luxuries and challenges that come with our new vessel, the Nautilus Belle Amie, but the diving out at Socorro Island hasn’t changed. The Boiler produced once again as I dropped in with my group of 9 divers. Within 5 mins of our dive we had a pair of mature giant mantas come swooping in from the north at roughly 40 ft. This was soon followed by 5 more mantas who put on a acrobatic display that got the photographers filling their memory cards. I’m always used to seeing multiple mantas at this dive site, but sitting back and watching a 7 manta to 9 diver ratio was awesome. Almost each diver in my group had his/her own manta to interact with. Back on the Belle Amie us DM’s our settling in to the massive dive deck that we now get to work on. I think it’s going to be one of the first things divers notice when coming on the new vessel. Shaping up to be a big season now that the 2 white sister ships are both out cruising Socorro. -DM Jesse