Finally, Socorro!
So Captain Shaun took a chance and took us to Socorro. While I won’t say it was pristine blue, it was well worth the dives. Vis about 30-40′ and some strong current if you got on the wrong side of the site or up out of protected area. I got picked up well past N. E. each time after my 3-5 minute safety stop. We got to see several mantas and they were interactive. Sometimes a couple at a time. We saw a Tiger shark going over the wall to the current side; no time for a shot. ‘Bout 4 meters. Plenty of fish and critters to keep us entertained until the main show started. Puffers, green morays, scorpion fish (yes Cindy, Parrot fish also) and such. Good day. We are hoping for the same luck on our morning return to San Benedicto and the ‘Boiler’. Hopefully the site has settled and will give us the show it is famous for.
Oh! The night snorkel with the Silkie Sharks off the back of N.E. was pretty entertaining. Both for those in the water and the folks watching us on deck!