Guests were Stoked!

Anchor up 0615 from Cabo Pearce to arrive Socorro Navy Base 0700. Called them for the routine inspection and they said come back in a few hours, so we carried on to dive “Old Man of the Rock” a few miles W of the navy base.
Beautiful calm day, long NW swell with light winds and clear skies. Light N current, and guests dove off the stern and almost all found their way back. One group lucked out with a 15 minute encounter with a pod of 8 dolphins, another group got a pass from a large tiger shark! Also scattered manta sightings. Guests were stoked.
Returned for the inspection and all went fine. Currently on our way to dive Roca O’Neil if the swell lets us, Pta Tosca if not. Two dives there followed by a silkie snorkel tonight.
All is well!

By Nautilus Staff

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