Memories will remain with us for a long time

We left Cabo in the dark, a motley crowd of jet-lagged divers. From an American to a … no, there was no Zulu on board, but  it was close, and there was an even more vast range of diving experience among us.
Mystery man Peter was only, we told, used as bait to attract the sharks, but Felipe checked the boats, fixed things, helped clean the galley, and did many more things behind the scenes.
Silvia and Nubia were there constantly, offering water, hot chocolate, lime juice and margaritas, mojito’s after the last dive of the day. Always smiling they were ready with anything we might need before and after dives, and at meals, while making the beds and tidying the cabins while we were dancing with the Mantas. And Luis, who threatened our waistlines with a different and delicious menu every day with good humour.
Christian showed ‘you guys’ the hammerhead sharks, while shpherding us through the treacherous currents of Rocca Partida. Felipe did the samba with the dolphins for us, and Don Pedro led us up and down the canyon at San Benedicto, where the Mantas play.
Danielle was there to pick us up when we surfaced, heads swimming with images of schools of creoles and karang. And she steered the Belle Amie all night to get us out and back.
Dale kept the motors motoring, the toilets flushing, the pumps pumping and the whole ship humming, with always a smile and a friendly word. He and Sten, the human winch, extracted the anchor where it had become stuck. And Sten, the Viking, used Finnish witchcraft to conjure up silvertip sharks.
And Gordon, the cool cucumber Captain, plucked divers from the edge of the surf at Rocca O’Neill and managed his team with always a charming smile.
For all of us it was an unforgettable voyage, and the memories will remain with us for a long time.
Thank you all for making the Cruise of the Belle Amie such a great experience.

By Nautilus Staff

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