Cabo Pearce 18.46.65N – 110.54.51W clear skies, 16 knots NW winds Two dives already in the pocket, one more to go before we head to the navy base today. Then planned silky snorkel in punta tosca for tonight, ocean this morning with 80FT visibility and a temperature of 76F. Mantas at least three of them, dolphins teasing the guests as they just cruise by and not staying to play, they done it few times this morning. Galapagos shark, white tip sharks, lots of fish and the star today is a sailfish close to the surface and close enough, so guests got pictures. – Beto
: excerptstart Nautilus Belle Amie – Mantas at least three of them, dolphins teasing the guests as they just cruise by and Galapagos shark, white tip sharks, lots of fish and the star today is a sailfish close to the surface and close enough. :excerptend