Location: Lat. 18 59.33N Long. 112 04.85W
Status: Anchored in 250 Ft of Water
Weather: Wind coming from the NW @ 12-15 kts, Sea 4-7 ft from NW. Cloudy sky
Second day at Roca Partida. Two morning dives with strong current coming from the NW, hitting directly to the north point of the Rock. Some divers had to grab to the rock, to not be drifted away. But not everything was good. 5 dolphins showed up to interact with the divers. A couple of mobulas passing by, when divers were doing their safety stop and Galapagos Sharks, Silvertips, silky sharks were all around showing the divers a normal day at Roca Partida. Visibility around 70 ft. Water temp. 71 F. Planing to leave this evening to Punta Tosca for a morning dive there, then go to navy base and end the day at Cabo Pearce.
– Capt. Vicente