Captains Noon Report – Belle Amie – 2018-08-22

Location: guadalupe, 29.08.55N – 118.17.11W,
Status: anchored in 250Ft of water,
Weather: bright sunny day, ocean is 70F and visibility is 100Ft plus

The sharks won’t stop for anything. There is no breeze and no current and a little surge. The dives have been incredible, action is non stop and every time the sharks take the bait guests cheer for them. Last night we had the best shark ID of the rotation, not only because we already know some of them but because guests got in the mood and helped with the pictures, so some of the sharks we know are Andy, Ropey, Mau, Sad Face, Mike, Luca Arnone and Kenric! Guests had so much fun. I am looking forward to see what happens tonight for shark ID. Last night we had taco night, they all loved it.
– Capt. Beto

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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