Location: Roca Partida
Weather: Beautiful Sun with mix cloud, 27C vis good 100-120′
We’re all alone which is very nice! Excellent Dive and all smiles returning to boat. Minimal current and minimal surge the divers observed numerous marine animals including several mantas and some schooling hammerheads. The regulars were in attendance, white tips, silkies, and numerous fish. Only the first divers and the trip leader asked if they could stay extra days. One group found part of a large group of schooling hammerheads toward the blue. 3 reported mantas present, and again the multitude of fish and customary sharks. Despite the language barrier- double thumbs ups, smiles, and the word “Amazing” transcends countries of origin. Yesterday afternoon proved to be a good gamble as well. After a second dive at Cabo Pearce which was fairly uneventful we packed up and moved to Punta Tosca. We conducted two drift dives along the inner reef area which proved to impress and satisfy the divers with not only the under water terrain but also several sharks and manta engagement on both dives for most divers. What a great trip thus far!