Location: Roca Partida, 18.59.33N – 112.05.02W
Weather: Overcast, visibility was 80ft, water temperature is 77F
Status: sitting in about 220Ft,
It’s a bit of an overcast day, however thin clouds let enough light reach the dive depth of roca partida. Today wind is 3-5 knots NW, current was light going NW, two dives in the pocket and two more to go. We’ve had the rock to ourselves two days in a row and the action is picking up as the white tips, tunas silver tips and silkies have hung around waiting for that moment when the others are looking the other way so they can sneak and get an easy meal. The highlight today was watching two mantas playing together or what seemed to be dancing ballet. During this dance the remoras from the chevron went and landed on top of the black manta then the chevron quickly vanished in the blue while the black manta had to deal with the remoras! What a show! We saw some hammerheads in deeper water and under the boat there are more silkies than in the dive site. Last night after dinner we had over 25 sikies on the stern, some of the guests liked the action and stayed around for a while taking pictures. We’re all getting ready for our Christmas on board the Belle Amie in this beautiful place. Happy Holidays!
-Capt. Beto