Location: Cabo Pearce, East Socorro Island
Weather: Overcast Rainy Skies Winds NE 5 – 10 Swell ENE 1-3
Status: Vis 80 plus Water Temp 24C Current NE medium to very strong
Almost everything to see in the last two dives. First dive was fantastic. Guests had a pod of dolphins come in very close. Ten dolphins of different sizes came. The tell tale sound of high pitched clicking made everyone look around. The visibility was very nice with current running to the NE. The dolphins spent some time with the guests that were hanging around the receiver. Up to 7 hammer heads were seen after the dolphins departed. The hammer heads passed over head and one came in very close to some of the divers. A black manta cruised out in the blue down current. Second Dive was surreal. The first group jumped in and there was a black manta passing close to the rocks. The current had picked up so we didn’t spend much time trying to take pictures. We made our way down the rock formation when the dolphins came from the surface to join our group. There were two large dolphins that turned into the current in the middle of our group and sat kicked in the current as though they were just a few more divers. The dolphins were inches away from the astounded divers. 3 or 4 minutes passed as the dolphins stayed with us then they pointed upward and went pack to the pod. Our divers kept a close eye on the dolphins as we moved to the receptor. The dolphins came back to greet us again and used their nose to nudge several of the divers cameras that were looking back at them. The dolphins stayed another few minutes. In the back ground the pod continually broke then came back together. Some hovering vertically in the current. They were rubbing and touching each other. The current was making white tips reef sharks dance along the reef going back and forth and silver tip sharks were higher up in the water column. We headed back to the protection of the higher rocks to go shallower. A giant black manta was making it’s way from the shallows and came right over our heads just a few feet above. We couldn’t stay long and the manta passed us by.
– Capt. Lowel