Location: Roca Partida 18.59.38N – 112.05.15W
Status: sitting in 250Ft
Weather: cloudy cold day today, 14 kts winds NW, 4Ft NW waves
We are having the rock for ourselves today. The wind is picking up, today water is 80F, visibility averaged 80Ft, divers have seen a manta, few dolphins, galapagos, silver tips, bunch of hammerheads, silkies and a lot more tunas. The Tunas are happy this morning and are coming close to the rock to seek a meal. Yesterday we hardly saw any tuna as they were on the run running away from the pilot whales. This morning during first dive the humpback whales kept breaching, over and over. The show was amazing but only for those who stayed above water. Yesterday lots of the guests decided not to go for the last dive so we took them for whale watching some of us got a close view, but the whales were a bit shy. All guests and crew are happy.
– Capt. Beto