Location: At anchor at Guadalupe Island in 244 ft depth. Lat 29 08.90N Long 118 16.99W.
Weather: Calm winds and seas. Clear sunny sky. Vis 100+ft, water temp 20C. No Current.
Yesterday afternoon was really good at the end of the day, Luca Arnone and Andy were around on our last diving hour. There where a couple of hours that were slow with no much shark activity, could see only a couple of sharks in the distance, but on the last hour became much better. This morning we started with slow action seeing the first shark around 8am. We have seen 5 different sharks this morning, being able to identify two of them, Andy and Jenni Walmsley. So far action has been constant and good, we had a half body breach and some shark teeth out of the water. Guests are having a good day. Visibility today has been great 100+ ft and water temp 20C. Today morning started same as yesterday, cloudy and cool, but now we have sunny and clear skies on our site and the cloud waterfall at the north point of the island. Guests and crew doing great.
- Captain Vicente