Location: Lat 28 20.13N Long 115 11.62W. 0.10 NM from shore.
Weather: Variable light Winds and 1-2 ft N swell Water Visibility 40-45ft, water temperature 20C.
Status: At anchor at Cedros Island in 50 ft depth.
We stayed overnight at the same spot from yesterday as all divers wanted to stay. Today first morning dive we did in the same site and it was amazing!!! All of the divers came back super happy as there was a lot of juvenile sea lions, but the highlight were a pod of 5 dolphins that were around hunting sardines among the sea lions and passed really close to divers, most of them could saw the dolphins. There were also Lobsters, flounders, Guitar rays and lot of sardines. Finishing the second dive we moved to the north point to look for kelp. We anchored at one of the north bays well covered from swell and depth of 50 ft. Found a big forest of kelp. Second dive we did it there and everyone love it. Lots of kelp, sea lions, harbor seals, Cow Nose rays, Kelp bass, parrot fish, guitar rays. Will continue our dives here and then we are going to depart to San Benitos Island.
-Captain Vicente