Location: 29° 08.4’N / 180° 17’ W
Weather: 20°/21° , visibility 30/35 meters 0.185 CPA to the wall
Status: Anchored at Monkey Face spot
Yesterday evening was great with shark activity and shark ID’ing started in back deck with the most curious guest. After that, the ID session was conducted by the mate in the salon and lots of clients enjoyed trying to identify the animals that they saw in the water. With this group the bar was busy all shark id and cocktail hour. What a taco night!!! Mexican style food under the starts !! Amazing dinner as usual made by our praised chef! Morning incredible today with at least 7 totally different sharks than yesterday. Best visibility ( you can see the anchor!) and conditions make us able to see Slash Fin, Lucca, 2 big and fat females , 2 big males and 1 juvenile with a wound in his face.. he is really active and stole us 4 baits!
Capt. Josep