Location: Isla San Fransicito
Weather: Water Temperature 25-26ᵒC, slight wind and swell
Status: anchored
We arrived in good time to the Isla San Fransicito area NW of the bay of La Paz. The group is happy that we are here and away from phone signal with only a very small fishing community that lives on a nearby rock. The first dive saw pipe fish that were shy and didn’t like any light. The two groups also saw Flabellina, Mantis Shrimp, Brown Cheek Blenny, Jewel Moray and of course playful sea lions. The Group also spotted Signal Blenny, Rainbow Scorpion Fish, Fine Spotted Jaw Fish, Cortez Angel Fish, Tiger Snake Eel, Pike blenny, Cortez Barracuda and even Sea Hares. Water temp was reported between 25-26ᵒC. Gabriel the group leader and a few others mentioned that it was a fantastic dive and probably the best sea of Cortez dive yet! Second dive was in the same location. Wind and swell has picked up a little bit but still a really good dive. Taco night last night went down really well. Lots and lots of compliments about Toni the Chef!
– Captain Oliver Johnston