Location: Punta Tosca
Weather: Mostly sunny skies, NE wind 5-15 knots, W swell 4-6′, and moderate current to the west. Visibility 150′ + and 81F water temperature.
Status: Anchored at Punta Tosca, Socorro Island
We finished the day yesterday with two more dives at Roca Partida and on the last one, a massive female whale shark showed up. Most guests had amazing close up encounters and were so happy to have stayed a second day at Roca. Today we have endless visibility 150′ + and 81 degree water. The first two dives today have been great with hammerheads and Mantas. On the last dive everyone had time with mantas. One guest was crying she was so happy after a 20 minute encounter with a large Chevron Manta. We are going to complete one more dive here and then head on to the Navy base for the check in and up to Cabo Pearce for the silky snorkel before heading to San Benedicto.
– Captain Graham