Location: 19° 17.7’ N / 110° 48.5’
Weather: Wind: NE 4-8 kts, Seas: swell NW 4-6 ft. Overcast sky. Visibility, around 20/25 mts, water temperature 25-26 degrees, and light current to the E.
Status: San Benedicto Island, “The Canyon”
Today we started with the first dive at Fondeadero, it was the check dive and it was good. Some of ours divers could see one manta, one hammerhead and some silky sharks. The second dive was much better, same visibility, current and temperature. The second dive was in the canyon (cleaning station) so our divers could see a lot of sharks, silver tips, galapagos, white tips and a few hammerheads. They could also see three chevron mantas.
– Captain Gilberto