Location: Roca Partida
Weather: Sunny skies, Wind NNE 10-12 knots, Water Temperature 76 F, Visibility 100+ ft, perfect dive conditions, light current heading to the N
Status: Anchored at Roca Partida
We finished the day yesterday at Punta Tosca. We had a steady stream of humpback whales swimming through the dive site. Cow-calf pairs, whales breaching, tail slaps and more; we must have had at least 15 different whales swim by! On the last two dives, a lucky few divers saw them underwater and whale song was heard by all. Otherwise, the dives underwater were okay with a couple of fleeting manta glimpses. There were sharks everywhere including a school of hammerheads and giant Galapagos. To make things better, there were 3 mantas hanging around the dive site. One more dive this afternoon and we are headed to the Boiler for our last day of diving.
– Captain Graham