Location: Lat N 18 59.4, Long W 112 04.8
Weather: Overcast sky, Wind N 2-6 knots, Swell NNW 4-6 ft, Visibility 25-30 m, Water Temperature 76 F
Status: Anchored at Roca Partida
Yesterday we finished at The Boiler. The third dive was good with one chevron manta and one black manta and some whitetip sharks. One of the groups could see on their safety stop a juvenile tiger shark very close to them. The last dive was also good with some big Galapagos sharks, a few blacktips, one chevron manta and one dolphin at the end of the dive. Today we arrived at Roca Partida at around 0630. During the first dive this morning, our divers could see a large school of big tunas, some Galapagos sharks, silvertips, one black manta, one chevron manta, and some bonitos.
– Captain Gilberto