Location: Anchored at Punta tosca. Lat N 18 46.6, Lon W 111 02
Weather: sunny day light cumulus on the distance, Wind from the N 8-12 kts, Calm inside the bay
Yesterday we made the last dive at Roca, Visibility around 25 mts, moderate current to the W and water temperature around 22/23 C, good shark action with galapagos and silver tips, we couldn’t see the whale shark but we could see big school of big yellow fin tuna. Today we arrived to punta tosca, good first dive, visibility around 10 mts, moderate current to the W, water temperature around 22/23 C, nice dive with one chevron manta just passing close to the groups, some galapagos and white tips but at the end of the dive a lot of dolphins came to play with our divers, everybody was happy with the dolphins. Second dive same current, visibility change a little better to 15 mts, same temperature. Nice and smooth dive some galapagos and white tips again, one green moray, and a small octopus. Now we are moving to the navy base to do the check in and then to cabo pearce. All guests and crew doing great.
- Captain Gilberto