Location: Lat N 19 19.7, Long W 110 48.7
Weather: Sunny, Wind N 4-6 knots, Swell N 4-6 ft, Visibility 30-35 m, Temperature 24-25 C, Current light to the S
Status: Anchored at the Boiler
Yesterday we finished with two more dives at Cabo Pearce. We saw a few hammerheads yesterday, one chevron manta, one big silvertip shark, a few big yellowfin tuna, and some Galapagos sharks. The last dive, there was one chevron manta, one big Galapagos shark and one of the groups had a manta encounter for 15 minutes. Today we started the first dive at The Canyon. We saw one chevron manta, a lot of silvertips, and some big Galapagos sharks at the cleaning station. Two groups could see a few hammerheads as well. After the first dive, we moved to The Boiler. The second dive was amazing with mantas all dive long. There were 4 or 5 different mantas the whole time playing with the bubbles. One group could see one big black manta and another group could see one turtle. All of the divers are super happy.
– Captain Gilberto