Location: Lat N 18 46.4, Long W 110 54.5
Weather: Sunny day, Wind N 6-10 knots, Swell N 2-4 feet, Visibility 30 m, Water Temperature 23-24 C, Current strong to the SW
Status: Anchored at Cabo Pearce, Socorro Island
Yesterday we finished at Roca Partida. On the third dive, the divers could see some Galapagos sharks, some silvertips, and a lot of yellowfin tuna and bonitos. The last dive was not much different, with the same action, including Galapagos sharks, tuna and bonitos. But, just at the end in the NE corner of the rock, a small school of around 12-15 silvertips appeared. Today, we arrived at Cabo Pearce around 0630 and had a very good first dive with good action on the dive site. There were at least 4 mantas playing with the divers and one group could also see a hammerhead!
– Captain Gilberto