Location: Currently anchored at the south end of Isla Margarita
Weather: Partly cloudy, Wind light NW, Swell low W, Temperature 20 C, Visibility 20 m
We are near the sealion colony preparing for the first tank dive of today. We spent last night running a slow search pattern to the south of this island, sounding the bottom and looking for seamounts. No luck finding anything shallow enough to dive but we did sound lots of area. This morning we spent a few hours offshore looking for pelagics. Then on the way back to the island to dive we came across a large group of striped marlin. They were all over the place, spread out for a mile around the boat. We could see fins from the surface and some breaching. We stopped the Belle and took all the guests out with snorkel gear in the inflatables to try our luck. Most guests did get at least a sighting of a marlin. There were also turtles and sealions around for the snorkelers. Not sure how many marlin were in the area but it was a lot, I’d guess at least 50. It was really cool! Now we are getting ready to go diving. Plan for tonight is to run 38nm north and anchor in Bahia Santa Maria for the night and dive that area tomorrow morning, on the outside coast and perhaps a little mangrove exploring. In the afternoon we’re going to be in the Thetis bank area, and planning to get underway for our long northbound leg by 1600hrs.
– Captain Gordon