Location: Las Animas, Los Islotes
Status: Lat N 24 34.5, Long W 110 22.5, 0.24 nautical miles from coast
Weather: Light breeze from N, swell NNE 2-3 ft. Water 26-27C and visibility 12-18 meters
Yesterday we dove Las Animas, third dive the temperature was 26C, visibility 12-15 meters, no current. More sealions action, guests were in love with them. No more luck with the hammerheads so they finished the dive playing with the sea lions. Today we arrived at Los Islotes at 0730, Baja Expeditions pangas were there ready to receive the guests. First dive on Los Islotes had more sea lion fun, particularly one juvenile male with very curious behavior. No current on the first dive, visibility around 15-18 m and 27C water temperature. Second dive here at Los Islotes we saw more and more sea lions, with the same dive conditions and no current. We are preparing for the last dive, people asked for more sea lions but we offered the Fang Ming or El Bajito, we will probably make two separate groups so everybody is happy!
- Captain Gilberto