Location: Magdalena Bay
Status: Visibility 40-50 ft, water temperature 70F
Yesterday our first dive was at the washrock and sea lion beach outside the main entrance of Mag Bay. Divers saw multiple turtles, a few horn sharks, octopus, and the rest of the various fishes and inverts that this mix of temperate and tropical waters can bring. During lunch we headed South to search for the submarine wreck. Divemaster Sten claims this was the best visibility he had ever seen at the wreck, easily 40-50feet. water was chilly in the low 70F but divers were able to see almost the entire exposed wreck in one glance. The wreck was full of life, from angle fish to morays, and it made for a very enjoyable experience. We are now underway and will arrive at San Benedicto tomorrow morning.
- Captain Shep