Location: Bahia de Los Muertos
Status: Anchored
Wind today is 15-20 from the North in the anchorage with a 1′ chop, looks really bumpy out around the corner. Sky is clear. We arrived here at 1400hrs yesterday afternoon after leaving Espiritu Santo area after 1 dive yesterday morning. We did two afternoon dives and a night dive to get our 4 dives in. All 3 dives we did here were good. The two afternoon dives were excellent, just inside from a place called Punta Perico. 50-60 foot reef top going down to 90′ where there’s an impressive drop off/wall which was full of tornado schooling Jacks, schooling Cortez barracuda, a multitude of other fish, lots of turtles and an impressive topography cut with deep channels. Guests asked for a sunrise dive this morning so we started the day early, with guests in the water by 0630 this morning. For the 2nd dive we did another site, a pretty reef in 40′ of water and right now the guests are doing the 3rd dive at the same site we did yesterday afternoon, expected back any minute. Will do one more dive then run south to Los Frailles and anchor in there for the night. All guests & crew are doing great.
Captain Gordon