Location: El Cañon, Cabo Pearce, 18°46,6’N 110°54,6’W.
Status: Winds: SE 2-5 kts, N Currents. Visibility 70-80ft., Water temp 87° Fahrenheit.
Yesterday we had really nice dives at el Cañon, we saw Galapagos, Silky Sharks and at least 3 Mantas. At night, the Nautilus Gallant Lady showed her bow in the area and we were all happy to be together! After dinner we sailed to Cabo Pearce. This morning we had great Manta activity on the first dive, and also Hammerheads, a juvenile Whaleshark and at least 6 Dolphins! In the last dive of the morning we had again Mantas and Hammerheads playing around.
- Captain Josep