Location: 19°19,7’N 110°48,7’W Anchored in El Boiler
Status: Winds: N 8-10 kts, Sea: WNW 9-11ft longwell. Sunny sky. Medium currents South East. Visibility 20/25 meters Water temp 25°Celsius
Good day yesterday at Tosca with an exploring dive at the wall included with better visibility and not that much current. In the last dive one tiger shark came close to our diver Paul and this was kind of epic battle between the man and the beast! Today at El Boiler its been incredible. Valentina, who is a DM in Playa del Carmen, said literally it’s her best dive in her whole life! The first immersion was great but the second… wow… divers returning to the vessel yelling and laughing. Huge Galapagos, 2 tigers of around 3-4 meters, several mantas at the same time, dolphins, silvertips, whitetips and at least 3-4 hammerheads super close to the guests. Looks to me like the best dive that i never seen in all my contracts in the area.
- Captain Josep