Location: El Cañon, El Boiler – Lat N 19 19.6, long W 110 48.7.
Status: Visibility 60ft, Water Temperature 79F.
Yesterday we dove at El Cañon, and our guests were able to see Hammerheads, Chevron Mantas, Silvertips and Galapagos. We had Taco night and this morning we moved to El Boiler diving site. On the first dive we had 3 Chevron Mantas happily circling around, also Silvertips, Galapagos and Whitetips. Some divers were able to come across Dolphins! On the second dive of the day guests saw Silvertips, Galapagos and a few Mantas. Two guests could see a Tiger shark on the distance. All divers were really happy!
- Captain Gilberto