Location: At Punta Tosca today. Wind is from the north, varying between 5-10 and 15kts plus in the anchorage, accompanied by 1-2′ of wraparound swell curling in from the NW.
Mostly sunny and warm today, air temp 24-26C (cooler in the wind). We finished the day yesterday with a couple more great dives at Roca, with super friendly giant mantas hanging around with all the divers. After dinner we departed for a comfortable overnight run to Punta Tosca, dropping the anchor around 0645 this morning just inside the inner lava finger. The diving today has been really good! There has been one giant manta hanging around the dive site and visiting most of the divers on both dives before lunch, often just casually sliding into the group, unknown to the divers, until they would look up or behind them to see the gentle giant cruising along with them. Also heard many guests comment on how beautiful the topography of the reef is here. Several humpbacks in the area could be seen and also heard singing during the dives. Plan to do navy check-in this afternoon then head up to Cabo Pearce for the silky snorkel and dive there tomorrow. For our last day of diving the day after tomorrow we will dive at the Canyon. All guests and crew are doing great!
- Captain Gordon