Location: Vessel at anchor in Fondeadero, San Benedicto, Position 19°17.680′ N 110°48.558 ‘W 107 ft depth
Weather: clear sky, N wind 6-10 kts, water temperature 23°C
Yesterday we finshed the day in Cabo Pearce. The 3rd dive the current was strong and also the wind but the dive was good ,around 2 mantas not very friendly but hanging around. On the 4th dive we had whales singing all the time we could hear them so close. Also we had dolphins but just for a while, there was no current for the last one but our guests were happy and they really liked Cabo Pearce. Today at the morning we were diving the Canyon which is insane by the way!! a lot of sharks, school of hammerheads everywhere, black tips sharks, silvetips sharks, galapagos sharks. The visibility: 20m, water temp: 23°C and for the 2nd dive, 3 Mantas hanging around our guests, 1 black manta and 2 chevron mantas very friendly and a lot of sharks, vis:18 m and water temp.23°C . Amazing!
- Captain Julio