Location: Isla Coronados
Weather: Clear Skies, N Winds (25-30kts)
We’ve got some nice shelter here but it’s a howlin’ around the corner. At the moment looks like close to 25-30kts from the north based on all the white I’m seeing. Here in the bay, we’re getting a little wraparound but nothing serious, we are sitting comfy.
For the morning dives, we took the RHIB up to the northeast finger that sticks out and has the sealion colony. The finger offered some shelter for staging the dives and they were actually very good. Everyone really enjoyed them, playful sea lions, lots of fish life, octopuses, etc.
The plan for tonight is to head for Isla San Francisco. We’ll anchor in the bay on the south side and take the RHIB out to the seamount that is 2nm east of the anchorage. After that, we’ll probably dive the reef/sea lion colony at San Francisquito then Las Animas.
Visibility: 65ft+
Water temperature: 83°F
- Captain Gordon Kipp