Location: Guadalupe Island
Weather: Overcast Skies, NNE Winds (15-20kts), and NNE Swell (2-3ft)
Yesterday afternoon went very well for us we had multiple sharks in the area the entire time we were wrangling and all divers were able to get very good looks throughout the day. Everybody agrees it was a great first day. The surface seas continued at 3-4′ all day, but all divers and DMs did a great job getting into and out of the cages safely. Shark 101 given by Pascal was attended by all guests and well received. Taco night was also attended by all and well received. I ate too many.
This morning we woke to slightly less motion at the surface. Seas coming in at 2-3′ and maybe a bit more spaced out. Still plenty of motion in the surface cages, but they aren’t the washing machines they were yesterday. Shark activity has been fairly subdued compared to our first day, but we have so far seen at least five individuals, mostly circling in the deep below the sub cages, but within the last 30-40 minutes we have had one or two making active passes at the bait. But all guests are seeing sharks and are thrilled with the experience.
Visibility: 60-70ft+
Water temperature: 65°F
- Captain Jon Shephard