Location: Las Ánimas
Weather: Clear Skies, NNW Wind (10-15kts), N Swell (2-3ft)
We had a good day yesterday, finishing the day with one at Fang Ming and a pre-dinner night dive at San Rafaelito, both of which everyone enjoyed.
Two dives were completed here at Las Animas this morning and both were great, with a small school of around 10 hammerheads around on the first dive (north rock) and several individuals around on dive two on the east pinnacles. Everyone got to see the sharks, as well as schooling jacks and lots of various reef fish. We’ll do two more dives here today then start heading south. We’ve had northerly winds all trip so far and today is our calmest day, tomorrow calling for 15-20kts in most places up here so we are planning to run down to Gordo Banks, do two dives there in the morning then an afternoon dive on the east cape somewhere.
Visibility: 80ft+
Water temperature: 77°F
- Captain Gordon Kipp