Captainโ€™s Noon Reports โ€“ Belle Amie โ€“ 2023-04-27

19-17.7N 110-48.6W

Anchored Isla San Benedicto at Canyon
Winds WNW 10-12knts, sea W 2-3′, skies 50% overcast, air temp 76F, water temp 75F, Vis 60-70′

We completed our transit and arrived at the anchorage last night around 2300. We had a nice quiet night at anchor. Woke up this morning to some strong localized winds coming from the west at almost 20 knots. It made the surface a bit choppy for the start of our checkout dive, but everything went well and the in-water conditions were very pleasant.

On the check dive, our divers saw whitetips, a few hammerheads, Galapagos, and two mantas. One lucky group even had some dolphins make a pass. Everybody came out of the water very happy with the first dive.

Dive number two was at the Canyon and again water conditions were really good. Almost no current at all and visibility was around 70′. There were Silvertips and Galapagos at the cleaning station, as well as some scattered hammerheads off in the distance. And then towards the end, two mantas decided to cruise by and get up close with most of the divers. Again, everybody was very happy with the diving.

We will make two more dives here this afternoon and then have taco night on the top deck. From there we will decide if we will stay for a second day at San Ben or move towards Socorro.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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