Captainโ€™s Noon Reports โ€“ Gallant Lady โ€“ 2023-05-11

Today we started up around north Cerralvo/la Reina, searching all morning up there with the airplane also searching both sides of Cerralvo island and the channel. No orcas but they did find a sperm whale for us. We managed to see it a couple of times but couldn’t get very close because it was diving for about 30min each time and moving fast. Also saw some bottlenose dolphins this morning around La Reina.

This afternoon we headed south and had some good mobula snorkeling around Punta arenas, with a nice school of about a hundred mobulas. We followed that up with some sunset whale watching, cruising along with two humpbacks south of Cerralvo on a flat calm evening as the sun went down.
Now we are heading into Bahia de los Suenos to anchor and set up the lights for a potential night dive if any mobulas show up.

Wind this morning was westerly around 10-15 knots in the north, dropping off this afternoon/evening in the south to 0-5kts and less than 1′ seas to finish the day. Sky clear. Air temp today is around 27C. Water temp 22C. The plan for tomorrow is to morning mobulas around Bahia de los Suenos and Punta arenas and then keep searching the area for the last day.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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