18.59.247N – 112.04.538W, anchor in 240Ft, air temperature is 72F, wind is blowing 12kts NW, gusting to 16kts. Heavy dark clouds for the most part, this morning for about 45 minutes sky opened up to be a sunny day but clouds came back and blocked the sun again, still, we get pieces of blue sky here and there.
Long 6Ft NW swell, the boat is fine with the ocean, it is the dive platform that is a bit of a challenge but the crew keeping things under control.
Ocean today has a mild current to the west, and visibility averages 75Ft, on the west side there is this thermos of greenish cooler water trying to push the nice water up, this mix of salinity and water temperatures stir up the ocean and life is blooming. There is so many fish that guests´ minds are blown away. They want to just drop in the water and stay as long as possible.
They even saw a huge whale shark, this docile giant is just cruising in deep water we are hopping it comes to shallower water so they can enjoy it more. Everywhere you look there is fish there is no space with just blue water, silkies sharks, Galapagos, silver tips, white tip reef sharks, huge tuna, bonitos, horse-eyed jack, cotton mouth jacks, and a lot more. Even a manta is circling this oasis of life in the middle of the ocean. The water temperature is 76F.