NGL in San Jose Island, clear sky, light wind from SE, calm seas, air temp 35C, water temp 29C, visibility 15 meters
NGL in San Jose Island for the last dives of the trip. This morning’s first dive was at Barra del Mechudo, a small reef on the southwest of the sea lion colony, in San Jose channel. Conditions were great, lots of fish, 2 octopuses and 1 of the group of divers found an entangled turtle and stein and was able to release it until it swam freely to the surface.
In the second dive in the sea lion colony, guests went crazy as the sea lions were all over them for the whole dive. A group of 10 juvenile sea lions (1-2 years old) was particularly curious and playful with the divers and the snorkelers.
For 3rd dive, all guests asked to go back to the sea lion colony. Then we will head south of the channel and search for big animals with the airplane. Yesterday after the last dive at las animas, we headed south in search of big animals. We found a pod of 40 to 50 pilot whales! We managed to get every one of the guests in the water with these majestic animals. They were very relaxed, traveling in groups of 8 to 15 and the guests had an amazing time in the water. They were very happy to have that extra surprise during the trip. We had to cancel the night dive as we stayed with the pilot whales until sunset.