We don’t like whales. Find out why.

As Captain Mike explains, I am a diver. When I go on vacation, it’s all about diving. I’ve seen loads of whales on our Alaska Liveaboard trips and have no desire to see any more. Then, my close friend and the founder of Baja Expeditions since 1974, Timo, passed away. Timo was a diving pioneer who loved whales and developed sustainable eco-tourism products. Following his wishes, I took over BEX and had my first experience with gray whales. It was the most awesome, phenomenal, inspiring, emotionally mind-shattering experience of my life. Our San Ignacio Gray Whale trips are the pinnacle of my 32-year career. I know videos can be boring. I get sent lots of videos that I can only watch for 30 seconds before losing interest. The video below is very different. It’s amazing and all about the whales’ house. Please give it a watch…

YouTube video

By Nautilus Staff

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