19.19.622N – 110.48.899W anchored in Boiler, anchor resting in 133ft of water, wind is doing 9kts NW. air temperature is 76f, is a dark day today cloud so thick that no sunrays go thru, long period NW 8ft swell, the ocean today is 82f, visibility averages 80ft.
The current is overwhelming, so strong that once you go to the opposite from the current that is it you need to stay there and just wait for fish to come to you, no chances for you to move anymore.
BUT Boiler today is loaded with mantas some say they had 7 mantas at the same time, there are also silver tips and white tip reef sharks. In the first dive, the white tips were hunting making a great show. We have done two dives already and divers want more of Boiler.
The guests and crew doing great, last night Alfonso the chef made a very nice and juicy Christmas dinner. All guests loved it. We wanted to do more on the sun deck for the guests BUT it started raining since 1700 and almost all thru the night.