Nautilus Explorer at anchor in San Benedicto, at The Canyon.
Weather: Wind 6 – 8 kts / NNE, Waves: 1 ft NNE, Swell, 1 ft / SSW. Sunny warm day, Bar. 1028 millibars. Partially cloudy (Cu).
We are diving the Canyon we found a strong current on the first dive and medium on the second. The first two dives were good:
Water visibility: 20 m
Water temp: 27 Celsius
Fauna: School of hammerheads (big ones), silvertips, big yellowfin tunas, 2 mantas 1 chevron and 1 black, Galapagos sharks, 1 big Tiger shark (not identified). Happy guests.
Yesterday afternoon at Cape Pierce we got still the presence of the mantas 4 to 6, it was a very good day. During this trip, Cape Pierce was the rock star by far. This night we will be heading back to Cabo, weather forecast for tomorrow afternoon on the way up swell upon 10 ft from NW, with a period of 17 seg.